Monday 30 July 2012

Standup routine. Rachel's diary. Day 1

Working on the refurbishment of IDEO london has provoked a radical move in the office as Rachel tests out standup working.

Push back the Herman miller adjustable, out with the boxes to prop up the computer and i'm ready to go.  Putting my money where my mouth is I'm trying out the standing desk.

Feeling somewhat conspicuous my standing soon attracts attention from others in the office and animated discussion into the health benefits of the chair stoke up. The Horizon programme is brought up and opinions are thrown round the room.

I'm finding it easier to break away and get a drink, move to another desk to do some sketching, choose materials, look at a book on the shelf. it feels a bit distracting or maybe that actually standing up is reducing the time I stand in front of the computer. The chair isn't trapping me in.

End of the day my upper body feels open, like my ribs have been hung up from my shoulders. My hips feel looser but I have a groin strain. Is it really that much of a shock for my body after 20 years of sitting at a desk .

I feel like I slept better and still have that feeling of open ribs the next day, groin still hurts and calves are tired. 

1 comment:

  1. I have heard of these standing desks but it is interesting that doing just that would be giving you a pulled groin. Could it be that you are twisting your body as you leave an area?
